Thursday, April 15, 2010 Six Fun Ideas To Do With Your Tax Refund!

Greetings All,

We at, the world's first virtual, 3D shopping mall, want to help you spend that tax refund you'll be getting any day now. We know you are already rolling in the windfall cash if you filed early.

So here are six ideas (and two special event presentations) to help you spend your new largess:

1) Host a party with 25 of your closest friends!

2) (and let us help with this one) Tackle a home remodeling project. On Saturday, April 17, at 9:00 p.m. EDT, join us in the main mall for a presentation from Home Depot on 'How to tile a bathroom floor." It's not that hard. You can redo the complete bathroom in a couple of weekends.

3) Put a down payment on a new, energy efficient car. You know you need one. Get a new hybrid from Honda, Ford, or Toyota.

4) Get a start on your summer wardrobe. Buy something new and fun to spruce up your look for spring.

5) It's the hottest gadget without question. March down to the Apple Store and plunk down that refund on a new iPad. We'll demo it for you Sunday at 2:00 p.m. EDT in the main mall Atrium. Meet us there to take a look if you haven't seen one yet.

6) Go out and splurge on a new 3D TV to wow the kids with cool, 3D movies at home.

To join us for either of the special events, register for a free shopper account at, load the free mall software, enter the main mall at the time indicated above, create a persona so you can chat with friends and come see the show.

If you have questions, please contact us at

See you in the mall!
