Thursday, March 11, 2010 Comedy Bad Girls: Chelsea Handler and Sarah Silverman

Make shopping in's virtual, 3D mall more entertaining. Stop by the Atrium Main Stage Friday and Saturday nights for a taste of two of the hottest female comedians around - Chelsea Handler and Sarah Silverman.

Chelsea Joy Handler was born February 25, 1975 in Livingston, NJ. The youngest of six children, she was raised in Reform Judiasm by her Mormon mother and Jewish father. She is the host of her own late night talk show, Chelsea Lately on the E! Network.

She is the author of two books on the New York Times Best Seller List: My Horizontal Life: A Collection of One-Night Stands, and Are You There, Vodka? It's Me, Chelsea.

See an interview with Chelsea Handler on the Atrium Main Stage on Friday, March 12, at 9:00 pm EST.

Sarah Silverman, born December 1, 1970, is a comedian, actress, writer, and singer. She was a writer and occasional perfomer on Staurday Night Live. Sarah was the youngest of four girls and was born in Bedford, New Hampshire. She attended New York University and performed stand-up in Greenwich Village.

She currently produces and stars in The Sarah Silverman Program on Comedy Central.

Come view the interview with Sarah at the Atrium Main Stage, Saturday, March 13 at 9:00 pm EST.

To join the event, register for a free account at, load the mall software and proceed to the main mall. Create a persona so you can chat with other shoppers. Meet in the mall at the above days and times.

If you have questions, please contact us at

See you in the mall!
